The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina (2024)

1 I i STREET. 4 "a' 1'. ViriI0IESAI.B rillCES. WASHING ION. 45.

BROWN A rTTO TOMvancTlSma WILMING TON, N. V. Sunday Morotng, April 4, by 'Goat8, DDOOl Uotton jems a opuuj, yi vuto x. er Aozen. IJnbleacDecl Uottori irem eiiis ei 33 Inch Fruit of th Loom 11 86- 'f 12 1 Wnmsntta 16 OK.

TP1 TV If 1 JlWrVTJUnVQ TNm. 1 11 Cents, worth 25 Cents a bargain I IN 1 I the City for the purpose1 cf doing their 6hor.r!. Ml .1 as i for COmDarfl them. With not nr.1v tdsisI. oounixy.

vv uar ur iHcunation to button tit v. i nn t.i -t ur ooicct IS pur, It ODD I NrAwfinrinfr Calicoes. Best Quality. 1 6 Cents Per Iiadies' Ruffs, for the Neck, 610 1 i- he GTIZAT SAVING to those visiting 0 i PREVIOUS TO MAKING; THEIR PURCHASES. wrrJ ftf oxTPrtiflTnc TirfoAfl for Vicinity, but those of AH BHOTiuiN oi trie i jw you on tne oureeis, iuuk juu uj busisess, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way.

on on tne sstreeis. iook iuu uj mo, UJ SEVERAL JOB I LOTS Suclr As, iaa nn7in liid loves ror Ladies' Hemmed lPuro Linen SIcUifs 15 Cents, WorlSiSo Cenn. JfUirS Ailallltcl 5i vv, a jcms rer i-air. worth r.nv unu 'a wv, i We Advertise I CASH. NO SAMPLES CUT We Have Got Everything BROWN RODDICK, ONE PRICE.

TERMS March 7 tf ydes Wey York 3: Notice to Shippers the- CLYDE LINE. New Tori ani iliMon SteamsMB Co, TO MEET THE WANTS OF THE TRADE Have added another Steamer to tlic jLtne, and will, sail NEW YORK from EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, i at 3 M. from: Pier 13 North River. Semi-Weekly; from Each Port. HEREAFTER SHIPPERS CAN RELY UPON the Prompt and i Regular Sailing of these Steamers from New -York as advertised.

As the Company has determined to adopt regalar sailing days, and with the additional Steamer there can be no cause for delay -in shipments. Other Steamers will be added as rei tuired. A D. CAZATJX, gent, Wilmington, N. C.

mar 16-tf PHILADELPHIA SOUTHERN Mail Steamship Companv rpHJC FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 812' Capt. John Wakeley, TON A WAND A. 844 tons, Capt C. Wiltbank form a Weekly Line, and sail alternatelylfrom Philadelphia and Wilmington every Tuesday tnoming, a 6 O'clOCk. iOS.

Bills of jLadliis Given to New Yort, Boston, Fall River, Portland and all Deints in the New England States, at as low rates as by any other route. Also to Liv erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and all points on the Continent and East Coast of England. I Through rates from Philadelphia to ail points in North Carolina, South Carolina, GeorgiaL Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and at as low rates as by competing lines. For Freight engagements and rates apply to i WORTH WORTH, Agents, I I Wilmington. N.

C. J. M. Orto- WH. L.

JAMES, General Agent, I June6-tf1 237 and 839 Dock street, Philadelphia. Silver Cups, Seal DgS And Patent Keys, just received GEORGE HONNET'3. mar Sl-tf 53 Market street. Nuga Bar, Bon Bons. FLORIDA ORANGES and Lemon Slices rREAM CHOCOLATES, GUM DROPS AND KJ fu'l assortment of Mixed Candies and nuts, Mince Meat, MISCELLANEOU Apple Butter, Crosse filackwell's and Boston Lines! VIA.

WILMINGTON, N. Oi Fast Freight Boute toll Points Horthor South NEW" "VTEW YORK AND WILMINGTON STEMSIHP Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M. AND FROM WILMINGTON: i Wednesday ana Satiirday. BOSTON AND FALL RIVER.

NEW YORK' AND WTLMllSGTON STEAMSH11? rati 0 0 6 5 CO. SEMI-WEEKLY, BAILING FROM Eh' Tori MP ANT, CONNECTING WITH THE AILE0 AD, i 1 I i Ii -i WEEKLY i Wedaesday and Saturday, from each port. Sailinz of these Steamers, and nnirt riinnAtrh ii i given cuiu pe eac xuveT'oteamers. AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND AT.ABM TO J'UJIB IKOTJTE 'AND TIME- AS OTJICK SOUTH LOSSES AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN BETWEEN Boston! and lew York. SEMI Between New York and Wilmington, Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Resrular all Shipments by this Route.

Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia and i Augusta Railroad, Wilmington an it wuuu Aaiuuuu, uic vuuuua vcuuw xuuiwajr THROTJGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN TO CAROLINA GEORGIA AND ALSO New Tort, Boston, Providende, Fall Rjiver ond other Eastern cities. COMMERCIAL. WIT.MINGrTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. April 8.

SPHUTS TURPENTINE Receipts 97 casks. Sales of 50 casks at 331 cents per gallon for Southern packages. Market quiet and firm. Receipts 1,096 bbls. Sales of 175 bbls Strained or at fl 70, l.oou do, Good Strained, or at $1 75, and 105 do at $4 50, 1 for or Low Pale; $5 25 or or Pale, and $5 00 for or Extra PaleJ I Market firm i at $1 70 lor Strained, i CRTTDE TURPENTINE Receipts 125 bbls.

Sales Of 98 bbls at $2 50 for ellow Dip and $1 55 for Hard. Market firm. TAR Receipts 81 bbls. Market quiet, with sales of 54 bbls at I SO. COTTON.

Receipts 128 bales Market steady and held firmly, with sales of 100 bales at the following official quotations: 14i cents lb. Good Ordinary. 15 Low Middling. .1. 15f Middling 15i Good 16i Nev VorJt Naval scores market April 1.

18T5. Spirits turpentine was offered with a fair show of freedom, and holders finally reducing their views a buyers were more, interested, and some business took place, though the market was not7 very active. Salesof 260 bbls at 35c for Southern. Rosins were also rather easier, and though a few parcels changed hands, the decline did not have the effect to greatly stimulate the demand up to the close of 'Change. Sales of 200 bbls at $2 05 for common and 200 bbls at $2 07i for good.

Tar moderately active oui lower, oaies oi iw odis ai ior Wilmington.) Pitch unchanged. The sup plies of nava) stores at the primary markets are considered ample, and had the effect te toDe down extreme rates generally. The following were the telegraphic ad vices: Liverpool spint3 turpentine, firmer n't 26s. 6d; common rosin steady at 6s. London spirits turpentine steady at 55s 6d common rosin sieauy at os yu.

MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamship Gulf Stream; Cazaux. Jones, New Stmr Murchison, Garrason, Fayette- vnie, Williams (S Murclnson. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth Worth Ha Worth.

Schr Fannie Sbaw, Wilti, Fall Mass, (Jhadbourn Co. Schr Donna Anna, Whal Worth A WArih Ley, uardenas, 'NorBris Rufus, Christensen, London, It Ileide. i Ger Barque Anna, Sievents, Savannah, Ga. EPescbau Westermann. i Ger Barque Amelia Hedwig, Gehm, St.

ixazaire, trance, ta Jreschau Wester- mann. EngBarquentine ElizabethlTayli pr.Proc- tor, Liverpool, vies I Brig Nellie Clifford, 'Hapby, Beverly, Mass, Lippitt. -r 'Z Schr Bessie Dickenson, DickensonBath, Me. Linriitt. CLEARED.

Stmr Gov Worth, Worth, Worth Worth. Fayetteville. Stmr Murchison, Garrason. Fayette- ville4 Williams Murchison. I Schr Augustus Fa bens, Anderson, Port au Irnnce, JNprthrop es Ccmrning.

sschr Charley uuckl, liagbyi throp es cummmg. i Schr II Lock wood, Hardcastle, Mosquito Inlet, Florida, Harriss Howell. Schr Henry Titton, Birdsall. St Marys. ua.

iiarnss ess iloweii. Schr A Edwards, Beanfort, Harriss Ce tlowell. EXPORTS COASTWISE. BosTOX.rSchr Charley; Backi 152.101 feet lumber. I I I FOREIGN, p-Post au Prtncb.

Schr Augustus Fa- bens 187,937 feet MISCELLANEOUS. New Crop Cuba OTHBR CARGO JUST I5fi WHICH WK offer to the trade at 'L v. WIGVRES In Hogsheads and Barrels. dAwtf B1NPORD, CROW A CO.f ii First Of the Season." LADIE4 DESIROUS OB" choice in the GETTING FIRST Ne Styles Spring Dress i Goods, Can be sapftHed by calllne at J. AH.

Jam eon's No. 43 Market Street -i We are -receiyinir dally er Rail and Steamer fresh installments to oar WELL SELECTED STOCK la all ear department. J. fc H. SAMSON, 43 Market street: mar 31 -tf anted.

EVERT ONE TO KNOW THAT I WILL MOVE may Stjck of Watchesi Jewelry, To the Store on 'he Corner ef Front and Pilncess streets, on the 1st of April, where I will open A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF I 'I i Watches! locks. Silverware and Fancy Gr rods J. H. ALLKN, A sent. roar 30-tf G-reen Planner, WHOLEAl AND RETAIL DRUfcJGIST, dealers in Pure brne Chemicalu Propria- ikj iDcu.LuicD, jauterai Garden Seed, fcc, Ac Fancy Goods, 49 Market Street, Wilminijfou.

N. C. mar an-tf RepairiHu ef Oil flats and Bonnets, OLD HATS jAMDj BONNETS pressed and made i Jooti ii Well Bew I3T" tamping of kinds done. Por partlealara tali tn RS. 4 KNN11C oETt.

ot S5 on. Between 3rd and 4th streets. -ii Teas. XJVN i POWDER; ENGLISH I BREAKFAST, Young Hyson, Tin colored Japan, all frsh acd of Good Qnalltyj Cash. i i Prices low down for mar S3 tf JAMES STEVENSON'S Notice, HBANNUALMBHTTNO OH Tale xirrxvta (Stocaboldem) of tha Wilrolnonn Vntn.l Tnn -nipanY, will take place on Mondar even in? at o'cUjc! S-JVMatXipplU's HalL-en FroDAatraet.

CA8NON, i Sccretaryj Yellow Fever Prevailing to an Alarm- In Extent at! Havana American Naval Vessels Ordered Home Ace. Washington, April 3. Rear Admiral Mullaney, commanding the North Atlantic station reports to the Secretary of the Nayy that at Havana the jyet lowfever is prevailing to an alarming ex tent; that on board; two spanisn vessels there were Seventy8ixcases Qwn. Jnyiew of this fact, Secretary Robeson yesterday ordered the Fortune, which has been matins surveys around the Island of 1 Cuba! to return home. He bIsq ordered all the ves sels at Key West to proceed to Fort Royal, S.

C. with the exception of the Plymouth, Ossippe and Shawmut, whichwere ordered to take a cruise. liLECTRH SPARKS. mm. 4 the issues of Gen.

Cabrera i mani- festo to the Carli9ts 24 officers have elt the service Of Don Carlos and entered France. Of these niaa were Many others have surrendered to the Alfonsists. New York bank statement: Loans i in crease 500,000, Bpecfy increase $1,375,000, legal tenders deposits a trifle, circulation aecreasa ou.uw.) DOMBSTl JMAltKET 5 Hbw Yoi Financial, jj Stocks active 34 1 cent Gold opened all 14 and Closed at 114J. Sterling exchange long $4 85; 89. Oov-State ernment securities active and strong.

bonds quiet. -I- if- Commercial. Flour quiet and unchanged. I Wheat qaiet and firmer. Corn sttody.

Pork heavy-mess $21 00. Lardiheavy--steam 141 cents. Spirits turpentine heavy at 36cts. Rosin firn strained $2 lp $3 15. Freights quie.

1 i t- Cotton Quiet and steady, with sales oi 1.333 bales at 16 for middling uplands and 17 for middling Orleans Sales of futures to-day opened firmer, as April 16 21-32 16 23-32 17 1-1617 3-32 cents; June 177-1617 15-32 cents. Nbw Y0BKAprii3-j-EveningL jfinanaak Monev easv at 8(3l4 cent bterling ex change $4 85. Gold H4itl4i. Govern- ment securities active and strong hew 5's 115. State bonds quiet put strong.

Cotton quiet bQt sales 1,333 bales at 1617 cents. Southern flour quiet Wheat is quiet but steady; with a very lim ited demand winter red! western sspfta 128; amber western $1 29130; white western $130 141. Corn closed firm western mixed 8787 cents; yellow western; 87i 88 cents; white western 87 "cents. I Coliee firm. Sugar quiet but steady.

Rice quiet and tmchansed. Pork firm new S21D0. Lard closed higher prime steam 141 15 cents. Rosin firm at $2 103 15. Spirits turpentine firm at 6b Molasses nrm Freights dull.

if Cotton net receipts 3 6 bales; gross re ceipts 1,655 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales of 26,400 bales as follows: April 16 23-32 cents-. May 17 1-I6ai7 3-32 cents: June 17 15-82 cents: JuW 17 23-32ai74cts: August 17 27-32171 177-16 17 15-32 cents; OctoberJ 16 27-32161 tts; November 16 9-1616 19 82 cts; December 16 19-3216i cents. 1 1 SI 4 si, BaIiTTMOKe. "April 3.

Flour ouiet but steadvJ' Wheat! closed firm amber SI 351 37; white SI 251 35. Corn buoyant and stronger southern white 8587 cts; yellow 84i85 cents. Oats and rye are quiet but firing rrovisiona are very strong and active: Bacon shoulders 09i i cents. Coffee is very strong Klo cargoes, ordinary to prime i618-3 ccats. I Lard 14 14J cents.

Whiskey $1 141 15. Sugar strong at 10i10cen lis. Hi 15 COTTOn H1AHKETS steady and in1 fair demand at 14 15f15 receipts 209 bales; Charl es ton, firm at 144, 15, 151, 1616J receipts 540 bales; jncw Orleans, teryiinn at 15t receipts 1,107 bales; fllopue.H firm at 14t, 14, lo, lli 15loi receipts 53 bales Boston, grm at 15f, 16i56f receipts 264 bales; Memphis, firm at 14. i 15i16-4rt ceipts 926 bales; Baltimore; firm at 161 re ceipts 400 bales; Philadelphia quiet at 16i ICWlbS UU UaiTD, J.Vl&;VJI! ill IU IV receipts 579 bales firm "at 14f, 15JloVreceipl8 74g bales; Galveston steady at 14J, 691 ba i es. 1'' FirllElGN SIARKti'rs.

LoNBOir, April 3 Noon: Erie railroad shares 27. Pabis, April 3 Noon. Rentes 6 If. 1 i Livkbpool, April 3 Noon. Cotton buoyant middling: uplands 8d; middling Orleans 884d.

Sales of 18,000 bales including 4,000 for export speculation and Cotton to arrive 1-16 dearer .1 Sales on a basis' of uplands, nothing, below good ordinary, shipped March and April, c4d. bales on a basis of middling uplands. nothing below low middling, deliverable April and May; I 4 it i Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middliDgj deliverable May and June, 3 16d. I i j' bales on a basis of middling uplands. nothing below low deliverable June and July, 8id.

bales on a basis of middlinz uplands. nothing below low middling, shipped LATER 1 The sales of cotton to-day included 10.000 bales American. i i Sales on a basis of middling uplands. nothing below low middling, shipped 1 8-jrEvening; Sales on a batis of middling uplands nothing below low middling deliverable May and June, 1 1 I i AN OftilIJAN4JCi i Concerniiig Drays, WagGUl Cartl -pHE BOARD OP ALDKKM rib NOP TKB C1TV I OF N. C.

wagofc, or Cart foand In aae withlii th City Hmiti withont the Bkdge or Registered ijtTumber required by City Tax Ordinance passed Mif flth, 1873, Dliall be eub.iect to eebcure by the City HWhal! and the owner thereof enbjecti to a1 flre of iFiv DoiM fortrach and. every day the flame ie aed i City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, wltaont having on-tbe. I. i i Badge or Segisterrld: Numbe: a the Ordinance of the City 4 1 ay Ordinaaeeor parts thereof couflieUM 'with foreeolnK are hereby reDalad. i I The above Ordinance wm numi th.

tL Aldarraen at their tteetla? Febrnaryiathi 1874. 'f 'KC SERVOS I'1 I'M CltvClerk. feblStf at -EXLZdMffllBMWNf mJL itAXKS GUAJiAJNTJUCU AS LOW AS BY AN XfB Our quotations, it efcoald be nnderstood, rep esent the wholesale prloes generally. In making up small orders higher pricei have to be charged. axiouiB.

PKICES. JBAGGrNQ Doable Anchor. Doable Anchor BAOON-North Carolina, Hams, 0 ShooldenJV Sides, 0 tt TeHtern Bmoked UK 15 18 10 ia 17 IS '8 Hams. J. Sides, lb Dry Salted 17 MX' 6 10 Sides Bhoalaers BEES' i 1WH On the Hoof 8 BARHELS Spirits Terpentine, tsocona tiana, New Now Xork, each a 2V 3 (X 3 68 28 8 00 03 30 SO 35 14 15 isewuuy, BEESWAX 9 Northern.

BUTTER Nor Carolina, Northern, i CANDLES Sp )rm, fl J. Tallow, Adanuuitine. lb i 875 80 10 00 14 00 ao 40 43 15 CHEJiSE Northern Factory ft tt ijairy, creamy to. State, SJ COFFEE Java, S. 17 .18 35 31 85 18 16 tti 35 37 ICS 7 ttio, v.

Lairaayra. CORN MEAL bushel COTTON TIESI-S DOMESTICS Sheet! nj(, 4-4, yd io a iotb, FISH Mackerel, No. l.V 1 30 16 00 8 CC 13 00 I 60 II 00 5 00 6 CO en so oo a 8 oo 13 60 Oil 60 ,8 00 R0.14V Mackerel, No. 2, Nc. bbi.i...

Mackerel, No. Malieta. bbl 8 50 Dry IV. 7a 4 60 a PLOUfi Fine, 16 00 6 00 7 00 8 IK) I0C0 Super. Nor lera, bbl mi KKl 0 00 6 25 7 35 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 03 Extra do.

Family City Mills Iupr.i 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 HtoiUy, bbl.J 1 Ex. ramuy, Dpi FERTILIZERS ss Penrvlan Udano, 900 ta Baagh'a Phosphate, CarSina Fefttliaer, Gronna Bonie. Bone Meal, Navaseatinano, Complete Phosphate Wando Phosphate. 80 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 oo eo 60 00 13 100 00 00 60 00 65 00 40 00 4500 .57 80 65 00 67 00 70 00 7000 00 00 Berger A Bdts'a Phoepiu" GLUE lb GRAIN Corn, store, 50 lbs Corn, Cargo fi 56 Corn, 17 0 00 8S oata, i SyjShei. Peas.

Cow. hasael. I 80 1 JO 7 HIDKS QreenJ Dry, 8 14 00 13V HAY Eastern, feJ 100 1 35 1 IK) 6h North KiverL 9 i0 HOOP IKON 0 oo 110 00 000 00 uAUD riorthcrin, North Carolina, fJ lb. 15 00 00 00 1 65 1 L1MK bbl. LUMBEB City StkajiSawto i Ship Staff, rbsawed, ft.

Roueh EdeelPlank. t. 34 00 33 00 30 00 30 00 15 00 42 45 i 83 40 4 75 18 1 10 1 CO so 1 10 eo 25 00 37 00 35 00 ra-Gi 8500 i 33 00 43 47 85 4- to 5 50 00 00 15 110 40 1 50 8 50 83 50 West India Cargoes, according to anautTj m. ii Dressed Floorinz. seasoned Hcantong and fioaraa.

com-; mon, 9 Ml MOL ASSES Ciba, hhda, 9 gaU. Cuba, bbls 9 Saear Eoneq, hhds, bbla.9 Byrapi bbls, jl pal NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d. OUB Kerosene, fj) Lard, Linseed, gal. PEANUTS bushel, POTATOES Sweet, JB bushel, Irian, iNortnem, dm PORK Northern, City Thin, 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 rnme, opi, Ramn 8 bbl 00 CO 00 CO RICE Carolina. lb East India, Rough, 9 bih.

liAGS Country 9 City, tf B) 8 00 1 20 Sitf 75 1 15 1 1 10 03 30 la 33 00 iturn- SALT Alum, jLiiverpooi, eacjt. American, sack. BUUAK UBoa, H. Porta Rico, ft 0. 8J9" a itv io CS a -conee, $.

c- Ex.C4 fc Cruehed, SOAP Northern, fj lb SHINGLES Contract, Common, Cypress Sape 9 12 5 4 CC 6 00 3 50 6 60 9 50 30 00 CO GO IS CO 08 17 00 Cypres Hearts M. I BTAVJtJ W. OJ BbL, K.O 35 00 00 00 00 00 oo eo ft 14 GO uypress, TALLOW TIMBER Shipping. MillPrimeTw M.T.. MiUFair, Inferior to Ordinary, WHISKEY Northern, North Carolina, tf WOOL Unwashed, -Wasbed.

j. 13 8 50 io eo Ml uu 1 00 5 00 175 ft 3 50 30 I 85-0t 40. BATES OP F11EIGI1T. Per SaQing Vessel Per SteaTier. To Niw Yobk.

Crude Tnrpentlni tf bbl 0 43 ft 0 0 0 GO ft 0 S5 0 50 0 85 0 00 ft I 75 0 00 85 0 00 1 35 0 00 0 10 0 00 ft 0 50 0 30 0 35 85Q0C0 40 ft 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 10 ft 0 00! 8pts Turpentine bbl Koein tf Cotton bale. Peanuts bushel. to rima.DELraiA. Crude Turpestine tf bb! 0 ft 0 50 0 00 ft 0 50 0 00 1 00 000ft 050 Tar tf bb 9 TO 0 50 0 00 ft 0 80 0 00 ft 0 50 00 ft i 00 0 00 ft 0 75 eo ft io TOOftSOO 0 00 ft 0 45 000 ft 045 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 45 0 00 3 00 0 00 ft 0 00 6 60 ftj eo 0 00 ft 0 65 0 00 ft 0 65 0 00 0 90 SptaTu rpenti ntine tf bbl Rosin tf bbl. Cotton bale eo oo Cotton Goods tf 0 00 0 75 0 OO 0 10 no io oo I O00e 45 0 00 ft 0 45 0 00 ft 0 90 0 00 ft 0 45 oooftseo Peanuts tf bushel Lumber To BAXTrnoais Crude Turpentine bbl Tartf I Spts Turpentine bbl rtosrn tf noi Cotton tf Peanuts tf bnshcl.

Lumber tf M. To Bobtow 0 00 ft 0 11 0 80 ft 8 OM Crude Turpentine 9 bbl Tar tfbbl.ii.. Spts Turpentine 3 bbl 0 CO ft 0 00 oo oo 0 00 ft.0 00 0 00 ft 8 60 0 00 0 00 AOeiB tf Cotton tf bale Peanuts tf bushel Lumber tf i 0 65 ft 0 70 1,3 GO 0 00 0 13 0 10 11 50 13 0 00 ft 0 00 oo ca-o po HONEY MABKETa OOBRXOTXBSiJLT jBTTHB Ban er rr hjjiotxb. I. B.T GBAINGKE, PSKSIDXNT.

vv.i',v 'iiJl 113 ...,106 I Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, 116 118 disc't Daiumore, t. FhUadelphia. i Western Exchanee 30 days 8 tf cent interest adoed to above Bank of New Hanover Stock (Par 36) 28 9J National 1W niminircon Buildluf Stock. 10 t5 110 Mechanics' i Nva8i Guano CoL N. u.

bonds Old Do. I Do. 1868 ...15. ...14 ...13 uo. i Bpclal Tax 5 to N.

0. ......43 W. A. W. R.

R. Bonds 7 tf c(Gold In.90 i Carolina Central R. R. Boada, Wilmington City Bonds, 8 .70 7 85 Oid 6 .98 I new tf 65 (Gold Int.) i ity Bonds (10 years), i I 76 New Hanover Coat In W. W.

Railroad stock North Carolina R. 30 C. Railroad WH. GasLlchtCo. Wi).

A Seaside R. R. .00 MISQELLANEOUS. Orton Plantation. --I i NOTICE TO TllESPASSEKS.

xLL Persons are! hereby warned against shooting, hnntise, fishing, tanging or -otherwise trespassing ra the lands isaown as the Orton Plantation, in the County of Brunswick. The indiscriminate slaughter of game at al( seasons and- the incessant depredations in other and more important respects, have rendered it necessary to poet these lands; and fair notice is now given that the law will be rigidly enforced against all offenders. t. i decl3-dAw-tf CfRAINGiTR. Notice.

ui, I rTHE GERMAN BARQUE. 0NNABEND: 'i A is ready to disi hhaarge Its cargo. Consignees I apr3 3tt pieae iaae nonce. i Jf 8)1, Master. -JsJJi OROVERCHANGES PROMPTLY PAID.

MjlliJ AlIi lr UJJo VIA. UJL YWS WILMINGTON LlNM Further information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. noon ujarcuiTs. NEW TOBK. President Grant and Mexican Outrages on American Soli and Citizens The jriexlean Government to be Held to Fall Accountability Bow It la to be Done Arrest, of a Bonds man.

x. New'York, April 3. The Tnbune Washington special says information was imparted at the War Department yesterday, through high official circles, that the President would declare as the policy of the government in disposing of Mexican raids and loss of American lives and property reparation from the Mexican government in the shape of moneyed in demnity for depredations committed by subjects of that government on the Texas border. Our government will insist upon this reparation, and in order to enforce con clusion it is admitted that the Secretary of War will, if no other resources, are left. carry out this determination by strengthen ing the American border line by attaching thereto another stretch of Mexican territory.

It is intimated that General McKenzie is to be transferred from Fort Sill and will. take charge of troops on the Texas border. The Mexican government will shortly be presented with a lirm demand on lue part of our government for due reparation or take the only alternative of war along the border with the purpose of enforcing our demands. James Coddington was arrested yesterday for attempting to dispose of ta one thous and dollar bonds or the btate or JNew jer alleged to have been stolen from the Treasury at Trenton. Goddington, 1 it is intimated, had more.

ENGLAND. Failure of metal Dealers Spanish I teliisence Peace London, April 3. Wilson. McLay metal dealers, have suspended owing to losses on American contracts for rails. Their liabilities amount to $1,000,000." Thc Post's advices from the Spanish fron- tier represent the prospects of peace in creasing daily.

One hundred and eighty Carlist officers have already given in their submission to Alfonso. KLECTItlC SPAHK5. The loss by fire in the Hartford (Conn.) Churchman printing office, Thursday nisrht, was 60,000. It will not interfere with" the publication of the paper. I TThe Conference of Catholic Bishops at jrulda has closed.

A message was received from the Pope blessing the. Bishops urging them to persevere. The Carlist General Saball has had an in terview with Gen. Com pes at Olat, under a nag of truce. It is believed Saball crave in his adhesion to Alfonso' and holds his same rank.

At Salt Lake, Ltah, Congressional dele gate uannon, on trial lor polygamy, was discharged under the limitation act, he not having committed polygamous marriage witmn two years. John F. Welch. President of the Labor er's Benevolent Association, has issued an appeal to the Pennsylvania miners to dis band, and Gov. Hartranf has issued a proc lamation ordering evil disposed parties to disperse.

ii it NIGUT REFAKt. RBWIORE. Attachment Against an Editor Writ or Habeas Corpus A fee lrer Ames on the Paymenf of ffloney'to Colfax and Others. Ktw Yoke, April a Chas. A.

Dana, editor of the Sun, learned this morning that an attachment had been issued against him from toe Supreme Court of the District or Columbia, which was in the bands of V. a. Marshal Fiske. He went to the Marshal's office with his connsel and surrendered himself. A petition was then presented to Judge Blatchford, praying for I A i ue issuance 01 a writ ot naoeas corpus or dering the Marshal to bring Mr.

Dana be fore the court and show cause why he should be detained. U. 8. District Attorney Bliss asKc-u ior an aajourument ana tne matter was finally set down for 2 o'clock Tuesday uext, Mr. Dana in the meanwhile, being al lowed tb go on parole, ho remaining, how ever, in the technical custody of the court.

With reference to the attachment against Mr. editor the Bait, it appears that the subpoena was' served- a short time ago on Mr. Dana, commanding bis attendance Washington to testify before the grand jury la the case entitled the U. S. against a reuericK jj.

cnyaer. lie paid no attention to it ana uence the attachment was issued. He says that he knows nothing whatever about the case and that it is a trick to eet i iwr- uim 10 vvasningion. 1 Oliver Ames, secondj has addressed the following to the Bkening Post: In the Evening rost of 30th of Macch IJobserve the fol lowing paragrapu: he Hartford rost says that it Is said tne executors of Oakes Ames havo diacov. ered by his accounts that money he claimed 10 uavw pia to jur.

vonax ana others was, in raciusea ror Disown purposes, at the lime ne was hard pressed by bis financial emrarra88ment8." AS-an executor of the estate of the late Mr. Ame8, 1 pronounce the above PiaUriueut ot the ilarttord Font to be nntrn. On the contrary, the information in my pMtgfSrfum, born as an executor and an in- uivxiual, convinces me that at the time Mr. Ames a.leged he paid money to Colfax and -iMierit, lie was not hard pressed by finan cial ehibairassmcnts. I am also.

thoroughly wmuivcu mm me paymeniS'Wlucii Mr. Ames claimed to have made to Mr. Colfax mm were made at the tinip, in the manner anri lor the piirose stated by him. tnigneu; ULIVER. Ames, 2nd.

Ogbkksbubo, April 3. Four inches of snow fell last night. ffte Freshet In felaivare Rtver-A Mide Wrtek I a Prelcbt 1 rain. rt ExBTOifi April 3. The Delaware river is 25 feet' above low water mara arm is still 4 4 3.

land slide, near Clark's Ferry, wrecked a mcijjui, irain ana one person. War Department, wuiww vmej oignai April 13 For the South' Atlantic States, clear br fair slight rise.of. temperature, winda stnfting to easterly to southerly and slowly rising barometer. i D. U.

MINK. General Eastern Agenfr1" i i 9 Devonshire Street. Boston. WM. V.

CLYDE A General Agents. Ii i 1 i New York Line, i 1 6 Bowling Green, New York. Baltimore arad Newj York Lines, I Wilmington, Nl c. Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation :1 1 -W Company. jj VIA.

WILMINGTON' N. C. ncKJca. Old Port and Baker Wniskey. n.

W. SHURE. St North Front St AprilJ-tf. Selected Poems-Beantiftilly Illustratefl. PRICE, TEXCEHTTS EACm, rpHE MILLER'S BY TENNYSON; j.

i ne otter saturaay jxignt, oy tsarns; The Death of the Old Year, by Tennyson An meal iierormer, Dy jaea; The Red Fisherman, by Praed: The Yarn of Nancy Bell, by Gilberts ueain oi Artaar, oy xennyson The Raven, by Poe; Make Way for tiign liae on tne uoastoil jancoin- shire, by Ingelew: The Brook, by Tennyson; Moth er and Poet, by Browning; The Bridge of Sighs, fey Hood; LockaleyHalL by -Tennyson; Tothi Skylark, oyoneiiey. xoreaieat i mar S8 tf City Hook Sterc. Spring Millinery. AT- E.M.STRQCK&GP'SJ I Evans' Bloek, Princess Street. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY XX.

THE X' Latest Spr: ng Styles 01 BONNETS, HATS MILLINERY GOODS, Ac, by OF -I i all points North or South Fast Freight Eoxite to BALTIMORE. Baltimore and WUmiDgtoa Line Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and ai 3 P. JU FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BOSTON AND PR VIDENCE, i Bal timore and Wilmington Line, Co. I PHILADELPHIA.

Baltimore! and Wilminffton Line jSemiyWeekly, Betweea Baltimore and WilminKtori, Baltimore aad Philadelphia St. I JJaily Yia. CanaL Between Baltimore and Phfladelphia. WESTERN CITIES. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Northern Central Railroad and: the Baltimore and Baltimore.

Boston and Providence Line or Via. Canal Daily to Philadelphia, and 1 CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND PROVIDENCE I LINE. Just IJeceived. 1 i We keep only the Best Goods, and eeil them 'Ki 1 i Ohio Railroad. jLo west Possible; Prices for Casb.

at rt i nsro THROUGH BILLS OF LADIMG GIVEN TO Call ana examine onr stock before making your asmS 6 tamers, and quick 4ispatch given to I i A a. H3J A AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA AND A LAB AM a Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence and other Eastern cities! GnamntAoil invr bv any other Rente and time as Quick. Losses or Overcharges promptly dVT naranteed as low- as oy MARL ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON STEAMERS. I' For furtBer information apply to either of the tindcrsigned Agents of the Line.

nWMBAtD, Agent Baltimore 50 South' Baltimore. marl8tf A' CAZAPX. Agent BalHmore and New York JJnW Wilmington. N.C. ALSO TO XI Carolhm Central Railway; Oeneral Frelglit Departnient4 WILMINGTOH," MARCH 31st, 1875.

I mar 80 tf Evans' Block, Princess St 350 Tons Celebrated WHINN'8 OSPH AT Just arrived and for sale by VI CK MEBANJb. mar S8-2w vs. Our Half Dime Cigar -roR-. Half DollarPer Dozen UT11E BEST IN THIS MARKET, AT "J- I .1 Nol 22 Market Street. D.

jPIGOTT, April 1-tf Tobacconist THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED" TO THAT THE laroiina central Railway beins completed and fnllv Ocipnia, isew Yorfe, Boston and Prvldence-unequaled facility for handiin? shipments from x- Wilmington and alL-Easterni Cities TO CHAELOTTE, SrATESVILIE, SHELBY, Kutlierfrtrdton, Asheville, Greenville, Spartanburg all on tho. Atlantic Tmn Jtr. ji.f j. and and li-i. i Building.

HPPUCanoatO apS-tfl YlaaBy otn line No terminal or tranter charges, i The Annuar Meeting the. Office in Bank of New Hancver OF THE STOdkHOLDER3 OF THE Ai CLARK, Genwal Freight Agect AHEAD! The Western Expositor ASHEVILLE, K. (3. W. H.

Kalone, Ed. Prop'r HAS. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Western Northern fiflralfna 1' Real -Estate, ani Loan Association, OR THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND the transaction pf other business, will be held at the Hibernian Hall, en xt DESIRTNG TO PLACE A WIDE-AWAKE, LIVE and progressive newspaper in the hands of every qualified voter la Robeson and adjoinlDgcooB' ties -we will tend the i i i r- OM US ONI AN a FRIDAY. EVENING THE 9TH I 8 O'CLOCK. C.

S. Ttr.T.TH April IJtdfci Secretary and Treasurer) vrt2e feM Vblch i to AT JBrlme oPlo maUed onplicatto" J. inOTW-jV. lEXHbsrroR office, -j t. AehevUle, Ni aii new uDscrtoers at the following rates: 1 Copy, 40ci Copies, 75c; 3 Copies, $1 00: Copies, 6C; Copy Months, 75c; 1 Copy 6.

Months, il Sat 1 Copy 12 Montis? SO. send stamp for SBecimen copy. i Mi,.

The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina (2024)


Who is the most famous person from Wilmington, NC? ›

Most Famous People from Wilmington, NC

While there are many exceptional people whose roots are in Wilmington, Michael Jordan and Sugar Ray Leonard are perhaps the most widely recognized.

Does anyone famous live in Wilmington NC? ›

Nina Repeta, a former N.C. Azalea Festival queen most famous for her role as Bessie Potter on "Dawson's Creek," lives in Wilmington. Sydney Penny, most famous for roles on the soap operas "All My Children" and "The Bold and the Beautiful," owns a home in downtown Wilmington with her husband, Robert Powers.

Does John Travolta have a house in Wilmington NC? ›

John Travolta

John Travolta has owned a home in the area since the 90s and flies his private plane in and out of the Wilmington International Airport.

What is the richest neighborhood in Wilmington NC? ›

1. Carolina Place Ardmore. With a median home price of $474,969 and a median rent of $1,206, Carolina Place Ardmore is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Carolina Place Ardmore over the last 3 years, it ranks No.

What is the nickname for Wilmington NC? ›

Port City. The most common name is the Port City based on Wilmington's proximity and accessibility to the Cape Fear River and the Port of Wilmington.

Did Michael Jordan live in Wilmington NC? ›

Michael's Early Life

In 1968, at age 5, the Jordan family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina. Jordan grew up with a stable family life. His mother, Delores, was a bank teller and his father, James, was a maintenance worker turned manager at General Electric.

What is the most expensive house in Wilmington, NC? ›

J. Long Custom Homes said their clients' 6,700-square-foot luxury beach mansion on Figure Eight Island near Wilmington just sold for $13.9 million. They said the home, located on Beach Road South, has five bedrooms and eight bathrooms.

What is Wilmington best known for? ›

Wilmington rose to fame as North Carolina's “Port City” because of its connection to the Cape Fear River as well as its bustling railroad system which extended for 161 miles, and which at one point, was the largest railroad system in the world.

Why is Wilmington, NC famous? ›

Wilmington was the first city in the country to receive the designation of "American World War II Heritage City." Explore the decks of the World War II-era Battleship NORTH CAROLINA, named one of the “Best Museum Ships” by USA TODAY 10BEST, and experience how the sailors lived aboard the ship during wartime.

Where did Katie Holmes live in Wilmington, NC? ›

This week's Where We Live is a historic downtown Wilmington apartment that has been home to several people in the film industry, including famous actress and model Katie Holmes. For sale is apartment 1, located on the second floor of the building at 210 N. Front St.

Who lives on Figure 8 island, Wilmington, NC? ›

Several celebrities, including actors Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Ben Stiller, and politicians, including Al Gore and John Edwards, own property on the island, according to published reports. So do John Mack, the former CEO of Morgan Stanley, and University of North Carolina head football coach Mack Brown.

Where does John Travolta live most of the time? ›

Travolta owns a 6,600-square-foot home on 20 acres at Jumbolair, located in Ocala.

Where do most millionaires live in NC? ›

The following list of the ten wealthiest cities in North Carolina will help you find the best upscale places to live in the state.
  • Marvin.
  • Davidson.
  • Wrightsville Beach.
  • Weddington.
  • Summerfield.
  • Pinehurst.
  • Cary.
  • Oak Ridge.
May 28, 2024

What is the crime rate for Wilmington NC? ›

Wilmington Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes6343,415
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)5.2728.38

Where is the oldest house in Wilmington? ›

The oldest surviving building in Wilmington, the nearly 4,500 square foot Mitchell-Anderson house is located at 102 Orange Street. It was constructed for Charleston carpenter and planter Edward Mitchell, who died in 1744. Over 100 years later, physician Edwin A.

Who was born in Wilmington, NC? ›

At the StarNews, celebrating our newspaper's 150th anniversary this year, we've been thinking a lot about our community's past. Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear were home to a lot of famous people: David Brinkley, Michael Jordan, Charlie Daniels, Meadowlark Lemon, Roman Gabriel and Sonny Jurgensen.

Who is the most famous person in North Carolina? ›

Michael Jordan is the most famous celebrity living in North Carolina. Whether you're a long-time NBA fan, a sneakerhead, or a fan of Space Jam, you know that Michael Jordan is a talented entrepreneur, a DJ, a basketball star, and so much more. He is extremely wealthy as a result of his efforts.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.