THE MORNING CTAR WILMINGTO VVEDNESDAY, JULY 31, JS07. znanT (At Chicago yesterday 'the plant of the Chicago, New. ork and' Boston MURDER MYSTERY? TAFT'S FRIENDS POWDER TRDST' vi Cbmpanyat 51stt Street and Central' Park Avenue, was dam-: IliliiliiRK ageu. vy, ure exienv uy, inyvfjvv BEAT FORAKER NOW IN TOILS i V. MThd Stprq7 That' Alwayc Buoy LOCALS STAR.
BUSINESS Secretary of War is Ohio's Fav- TwoAIore Women Found Strang? -iV- Government Has Commenced fed To Death By Unknown Are Tfiirough SiocCi- TaEdng -Announce oiir FMAL REDUCTHOW SALE. WANTED A 'few table boarders can' be, accominodate'd at 510 North Third street: By week on month. Ad orite For Presidential Nomination in 1908. 'S Suit Against Monster Com-Vbination and Monopoly. dress Mrs.
J. B. jiil31-lt A "STRONG, healthy young colored r. man, 18 to 19 jyears old, who can read MR. FORAKFR DIES HARD NO CLUE TO ASSAILANT COMPETITION CRUSHED OUT plain handwriting, amd cam fbring good A ueust Sth to 25 til reoommenciations, inay obtain WATCH SUNDAY'S PAPERS FOR FURTHER PARTICU- ment oy applying at the Btar office.
juL31-tf" 7 Made Bitter Fight to Prevent Centra! One Victim of the Strangler Had LOST On Saturday." might, lady's Trust Organized 'With $50,000,000 and Scooped tn Seventy Companies EngagecPin Business Its Methods Unlawful and Unfair. Republican Committee From Endorsing Tafts Resolutions Adopted By Big Majority. highly "prized umbrella, with itong sil era! Names Other Woman "Has Not Been Identified Police Are Mystefied. (By Wire to The Morning Star.) ver Handle, engraved -M. F.
M. Re ward if. left at Sitar office. jul 31-3t (By Wire to he xaorning Star.) THE GREATEST SALE WE EVER HELD WILL BE THIS FIAL REDUCTION SALE PRICES Wl lX6E SLASHED AND GOODS iWARICDi DOWN TO CLOSEduT STOCK FOR FALL GOODS NOWJ ARRIVING. Mp Sale Begins Next Monday and Will Last Three Weeks '-v V-, LOST R4b(bo(n watch fob with lock- Columbus, July 30.
Secretary New York, July 30. -The', bodies of Taffs Mend, wou handny today at with the of USSS ine meetmg oi uie siaie nepuDiican strangler -on their throats, have been der will be rewarded If returned to central committee, a resolution being found here within rtEelast 12 hours J. West, -609 -Brunswick street. adopted by the "committee endorsing and the police today, have cast a drag N1 31-lt. (6y Wire to The Morning Star.) V.V JxAy 20.
The govern- today ffled In the United States Circuit Court for the District of Dela-- ware at Wilmington, Del, a petition against E. I. DuPont de Nemours "Ckx, the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Powder Company, of New Jersey, and 24 other corporations which are made defendants In the petition.
The petition relates thatjall of the defendants are engaged, in Inter-State Taft for the Presidency, by a vote of P4 over the city to catch the slayer. 4 i tl Ti 1 The police beUeve that one man com- NOTICE.r"I whP is own 10 d. Aii ujr raitted both crimes' 10 me-' return, potted fern taken uJhie friends of Taft and opposed by the Late tonight no arrests had been p0111 m7 Piazza Monday night, I will friends of Foraker, was adopted by a made in the cases of two women who iv yuw. j. ut jur31-lt Uul 31-we.
tmttk rf 11 tr II cavlno1 in oWar-t trior wpra atran trlori tr rfan n-rA nrl.An I owect. there is no Intention to eliminate Sen- bodies were discovered early today, ators Foraker or Dick from politics in Detectives have been hard work on WANTED Great demand for teach trade and commerce in gunpowder and ers, superintendents, principals, music, rural and graded: special enroll other high explosives and are Tiolat ment Teachers' Co-ODerative Aeencv. ing the act of July 2 1890, common Charlotte, N. C. jul 30-4t ly knowif.
as 'the Sherman anti-trust Ohio. th cases, but have been unabl to find The resolution endorsing Taft for and trace of the murderers or murder-President was as follows: ers. "We believe that the great majority The woman who was "found dead of the people of Ohio, convinced of with a necktie around her, throat In a the high character, great ability and boarding house In 22nd Street, has distinguished services of Secretary been Identified-under several names. act. It seeks to prevent and restrain the existence agreements WANTED Honest, sober, young man as' salesman and col- combinations and conspira cies In restraint of such trade and com Taft, endorse his candidacy for the It seems probable that she is Mrs.
hw app aw ntv T.An.w Qnnh a X- I "'V' merce, to prevent and restrain the at tJcaiucujr, Oiiu iuiuiu, uvyuio ncuiu, nuc yi JtLCUU JVeUTer, I illl XlUZit 4 1 TTT Jl 1 A. XI VII- I A 9 TT1 I tempts on the part of the defendants vve ueciare-inai me nepuuueaos vi ui rmuaiu. xne ponce nave Q1SC0V- to monopolize such trade and com Ohio overwhelmingly desire that the ered that she lived at different times FOR GOOD RESULTS Brimsr voirr merce -and to dissolve the existing In Brooklyn and Jersey City. 1116 I IrrwOlr TI7-VT-17- TJ-O r-rim'ci rit 11! name of Hon. William Howard Taft be presented to the Nation as Ohio's monopolies therein.
uoay was laenunea toaay as that of lfoT-toi- atra- at The court is asked to determine ZZ 1 herseIf Mrs May Uhen yonj want anything in thepho-- candidate for President 'and that the Republicans of other States are In whether public interests will be better mLiy nvKu twgraph line. jul 28-3t. subserved by the appointment of re Your Every Dry-Goods Requirement will be Easily and Satisfactorily Supplied at A. D. BROWN'S THE MODEST PRICE STORE.
BROWN, uvoiumg UVUOO. iU jtKt i i til I V. I vited to co-operate with the Republicans of Ohio to secure his nomination sireeu it appears tnat the woman EGG FLIPPS, Egg Flipps, Egg ceivers to take possession of the property of the alleged trust with a Tiew to in 1908." uaagea ner name irequenuy. The Flipps, Egg Flipps, Egg Flipps, Egg i woman with whom she boarded in Flipps, Egg Flipps, Egg Flipps, Egg The amendment to the resolution bringing about conditions in trade and commerce that will be in harmony with the aw. The prayer in this re- was offered at once.
It is to the ef-fact tthat it is not the intentions oo i id. sireet gave tne police a fair de- Flipps, Egg Flipps all Johnny's Egg scription of. two men who often called fFlypps at Candycapps, 123 Princess on her there, and the police hoDe to Street iul 28-tf epect is identical witn tnat tne so- eliminate either Senator Foraker or Senator Dick from politics in Ohio. called tobacco trust petition. do aDie to nnd them.
It is stated in the petition that tne The police have as yet found no This was offored by the Taft people FOR SALE A Wilkes stallion; can be bought for a reasonable price-: monopoly has. by very unfair business and. was bitterly opposed by the For clue as to the identity of the woman whose body was found in an area-way In East 90th Street They believe. aker Learn of the horse by sending for photograph and pedigree. R.
B. Beckwlth, The amendment was adopted by a Lumberton, N. C. july 27 lOt however, that both crimes were com vote of 11 to 10 and the resolution was then adopted with the amendment mitted the same person as both LADY bodies were mutilated in the akerby a vote of 15 to 6. same NOTICE The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Eastern Caro SOLE AGENT BUTTERICK PATTERNS AMERICAN CORSETS BLACK CAT HOSIERY.
maner. Foraker Keeps Cool. Cincinati, July 30. When U. S.
Sen lina Piscatorial Association will be held at the office of Messrs. John D. i methods forced substantially all com-petltora out of the powder 'business until they control 95 per cent, there oL jetitlon recites many of the operations of the so called powder trust leading to its organization in May, 1903, under the laws In the State of New Jersey of the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Powder Company with a capital of as a.
holding company for the purposevof acquiring the capital stock of every corporation in the United States engaged in manufacturing and ator Foraker learned of the action of WARM WIRELETS. the Republican State Committee, he, Bellamy Son, Southern Building, Wilmington, N. on Tuesday, 6th' gave out the following statement: jul 28-tf day of August 1907 at 11 o'clock A. M. 'I cannot add anything to what I The Woman's Building at Jamestown Gge H.
Howell, Secretary. said in my open letter published this Exposition was formallv cocc vei. JU1X uay morning I wrote that letter, froseelng terday. the result and feeling that It was my vrr oriiT duty to give notice before hand that The grand chapter of the Sigma Chi Vrr "'J L' would not be bound by any such un Hraternity convened in 28th annual Z-ZSiTn, The real test of coffee is the drinking thereof. We guarantee that after testing pur celebrated Jackson Square Brand Coffee convention at the Jamestown Exposi- Lt:" 7 tJon vAStpHov with coi vh street, one block from postoffice.
Wil- authorized action. The next State convention will have authority to speak and by thev action of that convention It will be the duty of every good Republican to abide." The British State Department at London, has taken up with Mexico the FOR SALE Two houses, Nos. 408 subject of checking the immigration and 410 Dawson street, separate, or it will please you as it is pleasing millions in every Southern State today. REMEMBER that JACKSON-SQUARE BRAND COFFEE is packed of Japanese coolies into the United Warm wirelets. together.
Also two houses 705 and 707 SJoruth Sixth street; also two States across the Mexican houses, 708 and: 710 Wooster street The State yesterday asked for fur in air-tight, sealed cans and is for sale by your grocer at 25c a pound. and one Ihouse corner Mulberry tand ther time to consider the affidavit filed 3W by defence to have Judge Robbins re- Tenth street. Wiliningtan Realty and dealing In high, explosive. This Jersey holding company, it Is alleged, did acquire control of the companies operating in high explosives in the United. States until all' of the business of "chipping and selling such commodities of substantially seventy oompan-.
les," which had from time to time since 1872 been separate competing concerns, is now being carried on by three gigantic operating companies, namely: The Eastern Dynamite Company, the E. DuPont de Nemours Powder Company, of Delavarte, and the Laflin and Ran powder. The' defendants, it is. alleged, already have a complete monopolsit "ly of the production and distribution of smokeless ordiance powder in addition to the monopoly of 95 per 4 cent of the production and distribution of high explosives other than smokeless powder. "The government asks in its prayer Insurance Agency, No.
209 North moved for the trial of Caleb Powers Front street. jul 264f. at Georgetown, for the Goebel Arguments on the affidavit wuamy uur rremium. Satisfaction Our Guar-' anty." were completed yesterday afternoon HOUSES WANTED We have several applicants wishing to "rent. Now is the time to list your property with us.
WilmlTiertOTi Sr. Tnanram and court took a recess until 10 A. M. Captain Thomas Colgate Morton, inspector general' of the Grand Camp, United Confederate Veterans, dropped dead at his home in Staunton, yesterday, aged 63. He had held many public offices.
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw yesterday gave a statement to the Associated Press that she has no present intentions of returning to the sage, but will devote returned to the stage but will devote statement followed a published report that she intended taking a leading part at a road Way theatre. She said she would remain in New York until the trial of her husband in the Fall. today. SPARE CASH Earn more for you by placing it in Wm. Mcintosh, the negro convicted apv Ko 209 North TTmnt Rtroot wiuu iwa oi a muruerous I -mi 26-tf A.
I wur across nerKiey wara oi iNonoiK, Importers' Coffee wnen severau persons were as- YES. Candv-Canns the Climax with saulted and one was killed some time the finest watermelons on the market. this bank: where it will draw 4 per cent interest compounded semi-an- ago, was yesterday "stuporous insan- Our fountain is busv. Come and see. Ity" and Will be Sent to an asylum Un- Thirteen dozen Rpp Flins dav New Orleans, U.
S. D. L. GORE Wilmington Wholesale Agents. til he recovershen he will be brought Phone 343.
D. L. T. Capps, 123 Prln- nually! -Foolish people, spend their dollars Dacs and hanged. cess Street.
jul 24-tf George Tipler and his 14-year-old ul 31-tf. for relief, that those operating companies be enjoined and restrained from operating and engaging In Inter-State commerce In the United States or that receivers be appointed to take over the business. The government asks also ihat control of certain capital stocks in other son were drowned in a well on I pan am straw ana JJerDy Mats Mrs. Thaw resides in a secluded uptown apartment hotel and visits her husband in the Tombs daily. A Milan, dispatch states that five persons are reported killed and ten seriously in explosion of an engine attached to a fast freight train on the Tnj ix n-x as fast as they get them Wise people 1 i IS 1 i r- it r'.
i i ii I f. i. 1 tr 4 farm near Luther, yesterday, cleaned and reblocked. Suits clean The boy had been sent down Into the I ed, repaired and pressed. Ladies' silk save a portion for the future.
well on a ropetbut the roDe sliDoed and waistsx and skirts a specialty. Bure- precipitated him sixty feet to the wa- ka dressing Club. Phone 1,400 TAW Don't be cflassed among the foolish ones. xiuuvhs veiiirai, itte last nignu The Republican State Convention ter. The father went down to rescue jul 20 tf.
him and both Were drowned. FOR SALE Myi saw mill, cotton Atlantic Trust and Banking Co gin, grist' mill, etc, at Grists, N. splendid location for crate factory. companies by the various holding csompanles shall be adjudged unlawful and void, and that the defendants shall be restrained from carrying on alleged unfair competition against 23 Independant firms which at the time cf the filling of the petition were engaged in tha. manufacture, shipment and sale of blasting powder and dynamite in the.
United States in lawful competition with the defendants. Address. H. L. Struthers, Grists, N.
The independent factions that united in the campaign under the name of Nationalists, appear to have won the elections in the Philippines yesterday. Returns from out of 80 districts show the election of 31 Nationalists, Southern Bldg. Postoflte. C. jul 24-lw; jul Sl-tf.
NOTHING goes like money when It "-V-. y-Z' will meet at Tulsa, I. next Thursday in a great tent seating 6,000 people Already several hundred delegates are there and all' seem to be anxious for statehood at the earliest moment possible. Chas. H.
Moyer was released from jail Beoise, Idaho, last night at a late hour on a bond of $25,000 furnished by Timothy Reagan and Thos. J. Jones, of Boise. Moyer will leave for Salt Lake City today In company with Wm. D.
Haywood, who on Sumday was acquitted of the murder of Governor 10 progressives, eight independence, goes; nothing grows like money when uxuiuaies iwu uub uauiuuc. it grows, saving In time saves -a A NEW LOT OF TKUGKE1S At Oswego, N. yesterday a pinch when the inevitable hard times AMERICAN LEAGUE. drunken Pole, a stranger, entered the! come. Many shares are fast being taken in the new series of the Peo home of Charles Leonard, took a sev MENS U-R-FIT $440 ple's A Building and Loan Association which opens August 3rd.
Are you on the' list? The best way ever deivsed StemenBerg. Later -they will go 'to en-months-old baby from a crib where it was asleep and placed it on a red hot kitchen' stove. The cries of the child brought" the mother, who had left the house for a minute. The police were called and the. man arrested.
OXFORDS to save and make money. How many shares for you? Wm. F. Ttobertson, .,5 Denver, the headquarters of the Western Federation of Miners, Moyer. being president of the organization and Haywood secretary and treasurer.
Frederick Ford of Philadelphia, 'be 1119 Bags Muriate Pot New Toe, Latest Styloc. president; D. R. Fostersecretary and treasurer. Home office 206 Princess street Phone 1220.
jul 20 tf came insane in a New York Central SPECIAL RATES for board at the The baby was badly burned. Announcement was made In Washington yesterday of the engagement of Miss Edith Root, only daughter of Secretary Ellhu Root and Lieut. U. S. Grant, the third, grandson of the late President Grant.
The wedding will ash. 406 Bags Sulphate Pot-713 Baas Nitrate Soda. J. W. H.
FUGIIS jul 21. tf Gilbert House, regular and table board jfor Summer. Delightful rooms. Ko mosquitoes. A.
M. Gilbert. Over the Atlantic National Bank, corner 1867 B9gs German KaiAlt occur early. In the Autumn. Lieut- Washlngton -2; Chicago 4 Second game Washington Chicago 4.
Philadelphia St 1. New York Detroit 6. Boston Cleveland 0. National League. Cincinnati Philadelphia 0.
St. Louis New York -11. Chicago Brooklyn 6. Pittsburg 12; 'Boston 3. Southern 'League.
Atlanta Nashville 1. Second game Atlanta Nashville 1. Little Rock, Memphis, 1. New Orleans Shreveport, 1. Montgomery 3.
Second game Birmingham Montgomery 2. Virginia League. Lynchburg Portsmouth 4. Danville Roanoke 3. Norfolk Richmond South Atlantic League.
Jacksonville Augusta 2. South Atlantic League. Charleston, 2 8. Columbia Savanah. l.
Front and Princess jul 18-tf 811 Baas 8-2-10 Guano. TRINITY COLLEGE FOR SALE Mercantile busmess Jn 1465 Bags 8-2-2 Guanos: 1161 Bags 8-4-4 Giiano. good location; will sell for cash or xur Departineinits Oolleel- 998 Bags 8-3-3 Guano. part cash and balance on time; up-to-date, clean stock, value about $2,000 with store house and new five-room cottage conveniently situated. Excel 1356 Bags 8-5-7 Guano.
1464 Bags S. Meal Grant has been a military aide to President Roosevelt and metlMlsa Root at the numerous social functions there. Drummond H. Oalmes walked into a gunsmith's store in Knoxvllle, Tenn. yesterday asked to touy'a pistol for a friend, seilcted one from a large (number shown him, placed a cartridge In a chamber, walked to tfie door and fired the bullet through his temple, He left a note saying "To the hardware man: You will excuse my suicide In 6hop.
Suicide is not murder. Why not execution?" All records In the United Steel Cor lent opportunity for the right man. For further information address or call P. O. Box 120, -Council's, N.
C. ul'18-2w express train after 5 leaving Albany yesterday and anade several efforts to kill bis two year old daughter by. throwing her, from the window of the train as it was speedirfg aiong, was prevented by passengers. Ford also tried to niake away, with himself b7 leaping from the train but was restrained and held captive by members of the train crew until -New York city was reached when he was cent to Bellevue Hospital. Former Vice PresidentAdlal Former Speaker of the House Keifer, of Ohio, and Speaker Jos.
de Diego, of the Porto Rican House of Delegates, were the principal speakers at Legislative Assembly Day on the 288th anniversary of the convening of the first House of Burgesses of Virginia at Jamestown, Inland, Jamestown Exposition. The Norfolk branch of the Society- for the Preservation of 1 Virginia Antiquities unveiled, dedicated and a monument erected in commemoration of the members of, the House the ceremonies being by Bishops Funston, of Idaho and Randolph and Tucker, of Virginia. 1015 Baas 7 1-2 fL S. FOR REN That beautiful" house on southeast corner, of Front Or ange streets. Furnished or unfurnished.
The best location In the' city vate, and 5 Large library WeU equipped' labioiratories in all de-partmiexLts of science, Gymna-slum furnlslied with best apparatus. Expenses Tery moderate. Aid for worthy Btadentsw Young Men -wishing to Study Law should Inves-' 1 1 tigate the Superior vantages offered by the Department of Law In Trinity College. PorCatatogue and further Information, address DW. HEWSOr.1.
Registrar, DURHAM N. C. For further par for a boarding house. 409 Bags Feed Meal. Will figure low for cash-' Will sell oxl Fall time.
Will sell on Spring time Call and see us. y. ticulars apply to Jas. i Owen- Rellly. poration In 'the manufacture of steel were shown (yesterday to Share been 4 Heal Estate Insurance Agt Jun 30-tf 'brokem.
the company's report A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, a well as with, profit to cur health, is the one en which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life PlUa, the painless pttrtflers -that cure headache, and bilHousness, and keep the bowels rights 25o at EL RC Dros Btnre. ir mo quarter enamg June -su, lyuv, wag made public! in New Yarfla (after a meeting of the board xt directors. The report Bhowsf that the company's total 'met earnings for the -Spring quar ter; were 145,503,705, a high' water mark reoord for any single quarter in ROOMS IN NORFOLK Mr.
i. and Mrs Paul M. Taylor have opened their home to visitors during the Quiet home In best residence part of city, near car line. Hates $1 per, day, Address Paul Mr Taylori 325 Raleigh sAYeT Ghent, Norfolk ya. Jun .:2 wou i WlhnlnntbhV Nc Head star Busiaess Locafe.
Eead Star Bnsiness Local. uie. company's jjul 12W jun 21 jnt a.